Saturday, September 20, 2008

Our Journey to Wellington

So Kejia wrote a poem about this--and I've been meaning to write a blog.

It all started once upon a time, when a man called Herr Schliephake travelled far and wide over New Zealand. During his travels he met those who most aspired to posess the gift of the German Language, also known as Deutsch. Those who struck him most by their talents he recorded in his notebook. Such were M and K from a small village Hamilton.

One day, M and K received a letter--but not from Hogwarts. No, it was from none other than Herr Schliephake himself--inviting them as royal guests to his mansion, called the Goethe Institut in a far far away city called Wellington. So they flew above the clouds on a Alladin's flying carpet provided by Air New Zealand. Once there they met the other sixteen girls from all over the land. Soon they all became friends and together they explored Wellington. They travelled along the city's largest Cuba St, that was packed with bright busy and unique shops and shopkeepers, with children's playgrounds, sculptures and old beautiful buildings. Along the streets were many hobos, such as the famous Blanket Man and the Mexican street dancer. M and Ka also experienced the rare treat of playing cards with one American Metal-Rocker hobo while being watched by his neatly and smartly dressed assisstant. The girls visited the main square where they saw beautiful sights and explored the wonders of the magical and mysterious six story Te Papa Museum. Later the same day Herr Schliephake expressed the hospitality of Goethe Institut by throwing a feast to be remembered at Cafe Munich, where the guests were lavished with Bavarian cuisine.

The next morning Mr Bun's cooking provided the girls with a rather filling breakfast. But despite this the girls were nerve wrecked as they faced the challenge ahead: Herr Schliephake's test that would challenge the competitors' Deutsch and personality. While awaiting the challenge, the girls played Foosball and tucked into catered club sandwiches. One by one, they faced the friendly yet fire breathing dragons Herr Schliephake and his accomplice Judith.

And so to this day the fate of the lucky eighteen is being decided in the hands of Herr Schliephake and Judith. What will come of them one may only wonder, as their future is yet to be unravelled.

Danke Schon.