Yesterday our house phone was disconnected. Specifically, one phone seemed
to be disconected because it wasn't making any noises. But the surprise was in the other phone. When I picked it up it was making a fuzzy noise. Straining my ear, to my shock, horror, and disbelief, I could hear people speaking!!! It was a male and a female conversing. I couldn't help but snicker at the fact that here I was listning to complete strangers on the phone, them being completely unware of my sneakiness. It even felt spy-fi for a while, it was so cool. This couple were talking about something boring, either work or household matters, so I hung up. A second later my nosyness got the better of me. This time it was two men talking, from the jist of it I assume they were some sort of trades people or business people who were making arrangements for something to get shipped or delivered. Then it was someone dialing to check their voicemail. What is amazing is that I could hear them dialling and the Telecom answer machine voice say "You have 1 new message...". Then I heard the message. Nothing interesting, also some arrangement between a man called Brett and a man called John. Brett had a very deep and croaky voice, gave me shivers.
Anyhoo, that undoubtedly was a rather strange night, it will probably never happen again because this morning the Telecom man fixed the cables. To all the people I heard yesterday, my apologies for eavesdropping, it was a rather dispicable and shameful act on my part and I should know better. But temptation in a case like this is undescribable...LOL. I still can't stop laughing. But if it makes it look better, to my bitter disappointment I didn't hear anything that was remotely interesting. Nobody talking in code, disscussing criminal plans or people I know, nobody fighting...come on people, save some interesting convos for the phone, txt messages are so much harder to intercept...